Physics Definition And Proof Based Problems

Definition And Proof Based Problems

Definition And Proof Based Problems
Q 3243580443

Define binding energy.


The energy used in the process of binding masses together is called binding energy.
Q 3102578438

What is the relation between bar and torr ?

Both are units of measuring pressure.
1 bar = 1 atm. pressure
= 760 mm of Hg column
`= 10^5 Nm^(-2)`

and 1 torr = 1mm of Hg column
Clearly, 1 bar = 760 torr.
Q 3233178942

What is the relation between bar and torr ?


Both are units of measuring pressure.

`1` bar `= 1` atm. pressure

`= 760` mm of `H g` column

`= 10^5 \ \ N m^(-2)`

and `1` torr `= 1 ` mm of `H g` column

Clearly, `1` bar `= 760` torr.
Q 3243178943

What is a scientific method ?


A scientific method consists of observations, proposal of a theory, tests, and modification of theory etc.
Q 3213680540

"The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible". Who said this ? What does this mean ?


The presence of diverse elements in the universe makes man to feel that understanding of nature and its contents is incomprehensible. But the study of nucleus and the distant galaxies make him feel the otherway. Albert Einstein has said so.
Q 3273680546

What do you mean by mass-energy equivalence ? Give example.


According to Albert Einstein, energy and mass are interconvertible.

Example. An `e^-` (electron) collides with an `e^+` '(positron) and the two annihilate giving two photons. The total mass of `e^-` and `e^+` is converted into energy.
Q 3172680536

What do you mean by mass-energy equivalence ? Give example .


According to Albert Einstein, energy and
mass are interconvertible.

Example. An `e^-` (electron) collides with an

`e^+` (positron) and the two annihilate giving
two photons. The total mass of `e^-` and `e^+` is
converted into energy.
Q 3233580442

What is unified field theory ?


The theory with which scientists try to unify all forces is called unified field theory.
Q 3112180039

What is the basic mechanism behind all forces ?


Exchange of particles is responsible for the
attractive or interactive forces.
Q 3273580446

What is the basic mechanism behind all forces ?


Exchange of particles is responsible for the attractive or interactive forces.
